Ramblings... Oh so many ramblings - this is my outlet.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Wow... Early Merry Christmas to us!

Thanks a bunch to the mysterious people with the generous gift - you know who you are...!

We would love to thank y'all in person - get in touch...!

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Windows and Virus and ATM's Oh My!

OOOh.. I'm back.

This news story: ZDNet Article

Made an interesting read.....

However - it is Not breaking news at all...

Check this article out - a bit more indepth... from December 5th....

ATM MarketPlace Article

Ciao for now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Slim Devices : Support : Downloads


Stream your music! Way Cool!

Check it out...!

Linux (and MAC OS X) and Windows

Thursday, September 18, 2003

News? You want some updates?

Click Here:

Neat-o Pic!

Sunday, September 07, 2003


It's my birthday.


That's about it.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Well, had an interview last night.. nice company!

Hope all works out... I wouldn't mind joining the team..

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

The Family tree... what a tree it would be - if I could see... it.. ;>

Just doing a bit of research... and so many are out there... Feel free to contact me if ya like..

Ciao for now

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Spy Kids 3D...

What a cool movie!

It was nice going to a movie with the family... Something we don't often get the chance to do...

but the kids really wanted to see this one - and its something you need to see in the theatre...

Go see it...

It's pretty neat! ;>
Ticked... Annoyed... Dismay...

Why I checked the mail today... I don't know why I bother...

Got a letter from the Town Of West Hartford...

Thought - ooh, good news - I applied for a position with them in the beginning of June...


Finally the end result "We are no longer offering this position" blah blah blah.

For those who don't know - I've been looking for full time work for over a year now - but I do have a consulting business - but with little or no clients - it does not work so well!

Why I'm having these problems - I don't know...

You would think, for someone with over 10 years of experience, an IT position somewhere would not be a problem. Think again.

Anyone have any thoughts?

I'm running low on thoughts these days.

This just Sucks.

Anyone care to offer me a position? Feel free to get in contact with me ;>

Or I can simply make your machines run better by doing some consulting work...

Either way is fine with me.


Friday, August 01, 2003

Email Virus Warning from SBC Yahoo!

if you have SBC Yahoo internet - check that advisory out... They never stop!!

Oh yeah - for Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 users... Run Windows Update and apply any and ALL critial patches...!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2003

One week, 2 hours, 49 minutes and 1 second. 128 cigarettes not smoked, saving $27.22. Life saved: 10 hours, 40 minutes.

Not bad....still going....!

Friday, July 25, 2003

Help Net Security

Big Brother at it again... Share a file - go directly to jail... Nice eh?

Be informed.. Click that link!

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Yahoo! News - Music-Sharing Subpoenas Targets Parents

Read that.... RIAA at it again... Watch your back - file sharing people...!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2003

I voted:


Enuf said...

Ok - what I'm talking about is a budget referendum here in my home town....

If the current budget goes thru - More money gets extracted from the school system....


We're talking about the Future here - an Investment....!

Bad schools = kids poorly educated = ?????? - don't want to think about it...

NOTE - Notice by my name at the bottom of posts: COMMENTS..... I acknowledge all viewpoints... Talk Back!
Oh yeah... and Update from my post on Thursday...

Yahoo is looking into that guy's account info...

His account at Mutemail.com is suspended / removed... yay..

1 down...

???? to go....

- Securing The Internet and Protecting Privacy - One PC at a time
9:30 EST 7-19-03 - last smoke.....

10:00 EST 7-19-03 - Patch 1 of 5 Applied...

These things Itch!!!

But it has stopped.... finally... arrgh..

SilkQuit meter is running...

I will press on...

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Ugh.... this guy does not Quit!

Read this...

"Dear customer,

We regret to inform you that your eBay account will be suspended due to the violation of our site policy below:

* Misrepresentation of Identity (User) - Representing yourself as another eBay user or registering using the identity of another.

Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes the registering of a new account.

Please note that this suspension does not relieve you of your agreed-upon obligation to pay any fees you may owe to eBay.

According to our site policy you will have to confirm that you are the real owner of the eBay account by completing the following form or else your account will be deleted. "

That is the text from an email that I got today.... from this Jerk (apparently from Canada) who is trying to do some identity theft...

If you get Any emails from ebay@safeharbor.com - claiming to be eBay... delete it...

Just don't give the info - Please...

I've alerted the proper authorities already.... We'll see what happens THIS time....

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Virus Hunting...

Actually, I was doing some security scans - came across this virus: W32/Opaserv-F in the wild...

More than a few machines I've come across have been infected... More than 1 is bad to me...

So, go check c:\ and make sure there isn't a file called: gay.ini

If so - bingo - you've got it too...


Do you have Filesharing on? Thru Windows Networking?

Is your computer on the internet?

IF you said yes to both those questions...

Shut off the filesharing through network properties...

Get a virus scanner too!


Firewalls are nice as well... There are a few freebies available... Do a search for free firewall...

- Securing The Internet and Protecting Privacy - One PC at a time

Monday, June 23, 2003

New Law proposed - Big Brother coming to a PC near you - or Yours

As was reported last night by Matt Drudge - a new bill was proposed on Thursday in the House: HR-2517, the Piracy Deterrence and Education Act of 2003.

Here is the interesting bit:

Upon passing - The FBI will be allowed to go onto P2P File sharing networks and gather information for prosecution...

Just what we need - not only do we have "virtual bomb" technology in the works a-la- Senator Hatch's ideas - 3rd strike and your PC is Out - literally...

The Internet - got anonymity?

Saturday, June 21, 2003

it works...!

For real...

Nicely I may add...

Friday, June 20, 2003


Why do I do things the hard way?

Current Project:

Setup .NET server and PVS3

Sounds good...

Installed Net server and PVS 3... in less than 2 hours - it was up and running... Or so I thought...

The video card is giving me issues... Grrr... TNT2 card - needs to be replaced...

I will get this working...

Somehow someway... This will work.

Thursday, June 19, 2003


There I go again....!


Near the bottom of that page you will see my testimonial...

Why? Because I think SnapStream PVS is one hell of an app!

TV Card in your PC? --> go to: www.snapstream.com and Order it! You’ll thank me for it ;>

And now - for something completely different...

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Wow... its been a while...

I had to chuckle...

My email got read on the air - yay - on WTIC AM 1080... Jim V - Connecticut Today radio show..

If you happen to be in the area - Tune in weekdays from 10AM to 12... Good stuff...!

Actually - just tune in All the time - good quality Talk..

My email was about Spam legislation - here's the link: http://www.spamlaws.com/federal/108hr1933.html

A Federal Law is in the works to stop the evil spammers...

Write your Reps!! let's get something going!

Until next time... Ciao

Saturday, May 31, 2003

Snapstream PVS 3.0 lives!

After (i don't remember how long) beta testing the app - it is now out in the wild..

Running and recording as I type!

After some tweaking of the configuration, it's really working - well!

Kudo's to the team!

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

My website seems to be operational... Finally the DNS has gone thru it's changes..



There for your needs..


Sunday, May 25, 2003

Some news of note:

I am always looking to enhance the experience of this blog - so expect to see changes...

2 recent changes:

Comments! - I almost switched servers to get this - but I implemented it here ;>

Links are now active as well - look above Archives on the Right side..

Only 1 for the moment... More to come.


Today is apparently the best of the 3 day weekend - for weather - which is Good...

We have a cook-out at the in-laws to go to, so that will be a lot of fun!

Tomorrow is another story - I've been hearing about lots of rain... But hopefully we can make it to the parade anyway..

Happy Memorial Day Weekend All!

Not exactly good weather for Flag flying... Too bad.

Thank a Vet! They will appreciate it...

And remember those that went before... They made this country how it is today - Free!!

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Jayson Blair...

He's such a joke...

I don't even know why I'm bothering to say ANYTHING about him...

If he gets a book deal... That just Won't be right!

Good poster-boy for all the up-and-coming teens / college kids - lie like a rug, play everyone, and you can do anything you want.

And consider getting rewarded for this conduct? (Financially speaking...)

UGH!!!!!!!!!! and ARRRRGH!

He deserves a big WHATEVER!

This topic makes me sick. Enough of that.


The Tax plan - Passed Though the House yesterday - Actually... Both the Senate and House - since they ended their day at 2am!
Nice Job!

It may not be Exactly what our President was looking for - it's at least a Big step in the Right direction...


Local Politics:

Gov. Rowland signed the Smoking Ban into law yesterday. At first - I was aggravated - I was not aware of its existence!! Until it was too late that is...

However, I think it's a good idea - despite the joy I had of going to a Bar, having a drink and a smoke... But, that isn't something I do regularly - and will be quitting the habit Anyway. So, until April 2004 - Smoke up everyone... "Enjoy" it while it lasts...

Side note - from a clip I heard, it actually sounds like (deep down inside) he did not agree with the legislation - but its the "Everyone Else Is Doing It" mantra that got him to do the deed.

That's all for now...
Illegal Immigration.

That just Pisses me off!

They are able to get some type of ID from the Mexican Government - then are able to get:

Bank Accounts

Driver's Licenses

and an assortment of other things.

And - some states are allowing Them to get In-State pricing for College??

Give me a break!!

This NEEDS to stop!

Thanks to Joe Scarborough for this insite...

Sunday, May 18, 2003

Started a project today... This has been on my "todo list" for years....

We don't have a driveway at our place, currently it's just dirt - when we moved in, it was grass...

So, getting ready to plant some flower-seeds in the back yard, I started turning the dirt in a nice spot... Low and behold - large patio bricks...

Dug up a majority of these bricks, which apparently span the side of our back yard, I prepped this area to be re-seeded...

Took the bricks from this area and brought them to the front to make a boarder for the driveway...

So far so good..

Next step - figure out what material to fillin the area.. Then dig up the area to make it as level as possible..

Then viola - a driveway. At least I started it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Wow... It's Wednesday...

Week is almost over..

Finishing an application for a position - should be just about done with that...

Getting annoyed with the whole process...

It's very aggrivating.

Enough of that.

Not much else at the moment...


Sunday, May 11, 2003

Another day bites the dust...

Mother's Day...

Went very smoothly! A Happy day.

Despite the odd start of the day, overall - it went very well..

My wife enjoyed her cards/gifts this morning... The kids were practicing "Happy Mother's Day" - it was cute...

Left the house On Time - without fuss and all! That - is a record.

Here we are at home... Kids are sleeping... Sometimes it pays to go out almost all day...

Almost TV time... Simpsons and Malcom are queued up... even with the schedule change, I didn't miss Malcom... yay..

TV Life without TiVo - impossible.

I really don't think I'd watch TV without that lovely technology... Not that I watch all that much, mind you... Only a few shows are recorded / day... That space is treated like Gold - I tell you! ;>

Tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Another day almost over...

But today is not like any other day... It's Saturday...

Relax at home day...

No school / daycare for the kids...

Some cartoons and fooling aound..

We were outside for a good amount of time - its a record - outside by 11am..

I was impressed anyway.

A short jaunt of "secret shopping" - tomorrow IS Mother's Day after all...

"Don't get me a present" she says tonight...


Cleaned out the car today - it really did need it.. Well, I started to anyhow - both inside and the Trunk from....you know...

Why is it - when you clean your car, do you think "I can't believe I let it get like That. I'm gonna keep it like This from now on."

Time goes on...

It gets like That again.

My new catch phrase - "That Happens"

And so it goes......
Thus it begins... and ends... at the same time...

To understand me - it's not going to be an easy ride - so get strapped in, keep your hands and feet in the car at all times...

Wondering about the title?

If you recognize it, fine - you may have a better understanding than most..

If not - let me enlighten you - it comes from the opening of the show Daria.

I am the male version of Daria - as I have come to figure out... If I blogged before, say a few days ago - it would have come out then...

Asside from that, everyone else is doing it {Blogging}, so why not I - I can type, but I can't seem to vocalize my thoughts... This seems to be a good thing - we shall see..


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